Customer Group Privacy Notice

Customer’s Privacy Notice

JSSR Group Public Company Limited (“the Group Company”) which consist of 1) JSSR Auction Company Limited 2) JSSR Logistics Company Limited 3) Rapbizz Direct Company Limited intends to announce this Customer Privacy Notice (the “Notice”) that defines the rights, conditions, and necessity of the Group Company in collecting, processing, and using your personal data as the customer who (1) enters into the Company’s premise or visit the Group Company’s website; (2) are interested in entering in to any relevant transaction with the Group Company (the “Customer”) as follows:

  • JSSR Auction Company Limited’s Customer means the customer who (1) is interested to register to participate in the auction (2) is interested in participating the auction either via online channels or offline auction at the auction yard or (3) is interested in any goods from the Company through direct sale channel without participating in the auction.
  • JSSR Logistics Company Limited’s Customer means any interested customer who agrees to hire the Company to perform logistics, shipping and any other services of the Company and;
  • Rapbizz Direct Company Limited’s Customer mean the customer who is interested in any goods and services from the Company through online channel and offline channel.

Once the Customer contact and/or provide your personal data to the Group Company in proceeding with any transaction in the product purchasing and/or auction process, particularly upon the Customer’s acceptance of the direct sale offer or register for the Customer number and/or bidding number, the Group Company shall deem that the Customer have agreed and accepted this Notice.

Applicable scope of this Policy

This Notice shall be applicable to the processing of personal data in the purchase and service process executed solely through the Group Company’s channels and shall not be applicable to the personal data processing by other third parties that are beyond the Group Company’s control, even though their operation and/or service is connected to the Group Company’s services. For the process of personal data by such third party, the Customer shall study and agree to each privacy notice announced by those third parties separately.

The Group Company reserve the right to amend this Notice from time to time in order to ensure the compliance with the best practice and relevant laws, the sale and auction process, the goods delivery, and any service provision that the Group Company may provide to the Customer; provided that the Group Company shall notify the Customer of the amendment hereof through the Group Company’s communication channels.



Processing of Personal Data of the Customers who entering the Group Company’s premise.

The Group Company would need to collect, store, and process customer’s personal data who entering the Group Company’s premise (including JSSR Auction Company Limited’s auction yard) as follows:

  1. Customer’s facial image that may be recorded via the CCTV system. will be processed to protect the security within the Group Company’s premise (including the Group Company’s auction yard) and will be stored for 90 days or for the necessary period of time with the intention to protect the Group Company’s legitimate rights;
  2. Photo taken from the event, including the auction; will be processed in the Group Company’s marketing materials production that may be disseminated via public channels for so long as necessary for the Group Company’s business operation without causing excessive effect on the Customer’s rights as a data subject, provided that in case the Customer do not want your photo taken in any event, the Customer should avoid entering such area or please feel free to let the Group Company’s staff know.
  3. Customer’s personal data that may be given in the questionnaire including full name and contact information (i.e., telephone number, email, etc.); provided that it should be noted that the Customer can select whether or not to give such personal data. if provided, will be used for the Group Company’s service improvement; provided that the Group Company will anonymize such personal data for the statistic calculation and reserve the rights to store such personal data for the period of time that is commercially necessary. The Group Company may use the Customer’s personal data to contact to inform the Customer of any promotion, event or marketing until such consent is withdrawn.

Processing of Personal Data of the Customer Registering to Participate in the Auction with JSSR Auction Company Limited

For the Customer who would like to participate in the auction either via online channels or offline auction at the auction yard, JSSR Auction Company Limited would need to collect, store, and use the following personal data:

  1. Personal data provided in the registration form for the open of Customer ID and/or bidding number to participate in the auction, including full name, identification card information, contact information (i.e., telephone number, email), and for the online registration, including Customer’s username / password;   
  2. Identification documentation, including copy of identification card and passport of the individual Customer or of the authorized director for the corporate Customer;
  3. In case of online participation, the Company’s system will collect the technical information that can identify the Customer used to participate in the auction, including without limitation IP address, information about the Customer’s devices used to connect to the Company’s online bidding channel and, upon the Customer’s consent, may include some types of cookies;
  4. The Customer ID and bidding number that the Company would assign to each individual Customer that will be used as an identifiable information of each Customer for the reference in the communication and coordination in any auction;
  5. Transactional information, including bid placement history, the sale and purchase details, the invoice and the goods delivery confirmation; as well as other personal data that the Customer may provide to the Company for the preparation of ownership transfer document, including the information that is required for the customs clearance and ownership transfer in the governmental form;
  6. Payment and collateral placement Information which may include the bank account information, payment slip, credit card information of the individual Customer;
  7. Other personal data that the Customer may provide to the Company for the participation in the auction and in goods delivery, which may include without limitation the proxy and copy of identification card of the proxy (if appointed), or any other information and document that the Customer would need to provide to the Company to participate in the auction, to effectuate the purchase, payment, goods delivery and ownership transfer.

The Company would need to process all the Customer’s personal data as defined for the following purposes:

  1. To perform the Company’s obligation in the auction management and under the sale and purchase agreement, the Company would need to process Customer’s personal data as defined for these specific purposes: (a) the Customer registration, the verification of each Customer participating in every transaction undertaken in the auction participation and performance of sale and purchase obligations between the Company and the Customer; (b) the communication and coordination with the Customer throughout the period of time that the Customer still have the active Customer ID and/or User Account with the Company (the Company may de-activate each ID and/or User Account after 3 years from the latest day that the Customer participate in the auction with the Company; and (c) the confirmation of the Customer’s right and obligations under the sale and purchase transaction, including the confirmation of goods payment and delivery. For these contractual performance purpose, the Company will retain the Customer's personal data for the period of time that the Company still have obligations under any agreements and/or any conditions to perform for the Customer;
  2. To perform the Company’s legal obligation in particular the preparation of accounting and taxation report and the customs clearance, the Company may need to process Customer’s personal data in particular the personal data relating to the Customer’s payment, identification document and other information and document that the Company shall submit to the government as required in the government form; provided that for all of these legal obligation purposes, the Company will retain the Customer’s personal data for the period of time as defined under the relevant laws;
  3. To protect the Company’s legitimate interest without excessively cause the impact on the Customer as a data subject, the Company will process the Customer’s personal data for the following purposes: (a) to build and improve business relationship between the Company and each Customer and Customer in overall, including processing the Customer’s bidding behavior to plan the auction process improvement or any other service improvement that would match with the Customer’s need; as well as to revisit the complaint management, to protect the future fraud in the auction, and to conduct internal audit; provided that for this purpose, the Company reserve the right to retain Customer’s personal data for the period of time that is necessary for the business; and (b) to protect and defend the Company’s legitimate rights in any claim or any dispute that may arise between the Company and Customer; provided that the Company reserve the right to keep your personal data for the period of time necessary for the right protection of the Company’s rights under the applicable prescription period; and
  4. In case the Customer give consent to the Company for specific purposes, the Company may use the Customer’s personal data to contact to inform the Customer of any promotion, event or marketing until such consent is withdrawn.

Processing of Personal Data of the Customer Purchasing Goods from Direct Sale Transaction; JSSR Auction Company Limited and Rapbizz Direct Company Limited

For the Customer purchasing any goods from JSSR Auction Company Limited through direct sale channel without participating in the auction and purchasing any goods from Rapbizz Direct Company Limited through online and offline channel (including from corporate website/Application, Marketplace), the Group Company would need to collect, store, and use the following personal data:

  1. full name and contact information (i.e., telephone number, email, etc.);
  2. in case of purchasing goods through online channel, the Group Company’s system will collect customer’s username and password, the technical information that can identify the Customer used to purchase, including without limitation IP address, information about the Customer’s devices used to connect to the Group Company’s online channel and, upon the Customer’s consent, may include some types of cookies;
  3. copy of identification document of the individual Customer or of the authorized director of the corporate Customer that will be attached to the quotation and order;
  4. product payment information which in the case of individual Customer may includes payment evidence, bank account, or credit card information;
  5. other personal data that the Customer may provide to the Group Company in the communication and coordination for the effectuation of the direct sale and purchase between the Customer and the Group Company; and

The Group Company would need to process those defined personal data of the Customer for the following purposes and for the defined period of time as follows:

  1. To perform any of the Group Company’s rights and obligations under the sale and purchase conditions which may include without limitation the verification of the Customer’s identity as a buyer and the payment confirmation as well as the coordination in goods delivery to the Customer; provided that, for such purpose, the Group Company would need to process the Customer’s personal data for the period of time that (1) the Group Company still have any obligations to perform to the Customer under the sale and purchase transaction and (2) the Customer still having the account (including username and password) for using the service;
  2. To prepare accounting and taxation document by referring to the document containing the personal data provided by the Customer and for this purpose, the Group Company would need to collect, store, and keep your personal data for the period of time as defined by the laws;
  3. To protect the Group Company’s legitimate rights in taking any action against the Customer in case of any default, dispute or fraud under the sale and purchase transaction; provided that the Group Company reserve the right to retain the Customer’s personal data for the longest prescription period as defined under the applicable laws (i.e., 10 years is maximum prescription under general law); and
  4. Upon the Customer’s consent, the Group Company may use the Customer’s personal data to contact to inform the Customer of any promotion, event or marketing until such consent is withdrawn.

Processing of Personal Data of the Customer using logistic or shipping services from JSSR Logistics Company Limited

For the Customer using any services from JSSR Logistics Company Limited, the Company would need to collect, store, and use the following personal data of the Customer: (1) full name and contact information; (2) copy of identification document of the individual Customer or of the authorized director of the corporate Customer that will be attached to the quotation and order; (3) product payment information which in the case of individual Customer may includes payment evidence, bank account, or credit card information; (4) the information that is required for the customs clearance and ownership transfer in the governmental form and (5) other personal data that the Customer may provide to the Company in the communication and coordination for the effectuation of the direct sale and purchase between the Customer and the Company.

The Company would need to process those defined personal data of the Customer for the following purposes and for the defined period of time as follows:

  1. To perform any of the Company’s rights and obligations under the logistic, shipping and other services conditions which may include without limitation the verification of the Customer’s identity as a buyer and the payment confirmation as well as the coordination in goods delivery to the Customer; provided that, for such purpose, the Company would need to process the Customer’s personal data for the period of time that the Company still have any obligations to perform to the Customer under the transaction;
  2. To prepare accounting and taxation document by referring to the document containing the personal data provided by the Customer and for this purpose, the Company would need to collect, store, and keep your personal data for the period of time as defined by the laws;
  3. To protect the Company’s legitimate rights in taking any action against the Customer in case of any default, dispute or fraud under the sale and purchase transaction; provided that the Company reserve the right to retain the Customer’s personal data for the longest prescription period as defined under the applicable laws (i.e., 10 years is maximum prescription under general law); and
  4. Upon the Customer’s consent, the Company may use the Customer’s personal data to contact to inform the Customer of any promotion, event or marketing until such consent is withdrawn.

Disclosure of Personal Data

Generally, the Group Company will not disclose the Customer’s personal data to any third party, but the Group Company may need to disclose and/or share the Customer’s personal data to the following persons:

  1. To third-party service providers that the Group Company may engage in arranging the auction, the goods shipping and delivery and the performance of any of the Group Company’s obligations under the sale and purchase agreement; or the third-party service provider that the Group Company may engage for other Company’s business operation; provided that the Group Company will disclose the Customer’s personal data only on the necessary basis under the scope of the conditions in the data processing agreement that the Group Company shall execute with those service providers;
  2. In case of consignment arrangement, means JSSR Auction Company Limited, in order to effectuate the purchase and sale transaction between the former owner and the Customer, the Company would need to disclose Customer’s personal data to the relevant owner of the goods;
  3. To relevant government authorities that the Group Company is obliged under the relevant laws or orders to disclose the Customer’s personal data to, including the Customs Department and the Revenue Department; and
  4. To other persons that the Customer give explicit consent to the Group Company to disclose your personal data to.

Group Company’s Representations to implement appropriate information security measures

The Group Company represent to implement the appropriate information security under the applicable laws to prevent unauthorized access, use, amendment, or disclosure of Customer’s personal data; provided that the Group Company commit to review the information security measures from time to time in order to ensure the compliance and suitability with the best industrial standard and the change of the relevant laws.

Data Subject’s Rights over their Personal Data

The Group Company respect the Customer’s statutory rights as the data subject over their related personal data in the Group Company’s control. The Customer can request to exercise their rights under the relevant laws as follows: (1) the right to withdraw given consent; (2) the right to request for access or copy of their personal data; (3) the right to revise their personal data; (4) the right to request for data portability; (5) the right to object to any process of their personal data; (6) the right to request for deletion or de-identification of the their personal data once there is no further necessity; and (7) the right to request for the suspension of the processing of their personal data.

Please feel free to contact the Group Company if you have any query regarding this Notice or if you would like to request to exercise any of those defined rights and the Group Company will inform the consideration of such request within proper period under the scope of law. Please contact us at [email protected].


ข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์ เจเอสเอสอาร์ อ๊อกชั่น
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Auction Days November 20222022-10-25 10:10:31
Auction Days October 20222022-09-27 16:09:25
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Auction Days September 20222022-08-22 14:08:42
Auction Days August 20222022-07-26 08:07:14
Auction Days July 20222022-06-21 09:06:14
Auction Days June 20222022-05-24 16:05:58
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Directors and Executives Privacy Notice JSSR Group Public Company Limited 2022-05-21 10:05:05
Directors and Executives Privacy Notice JSSR Auction Company Limited2022-05-21 10:05:03
Recruitment Privacy Notice2022-05-20 16:05:05
Personal Privacy Notice2022-05-20 16:05:17
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Covid19 Privacy Notice2022-05-20 16:05:44
Customer Group Privacy Notice2022-05-20 16:05:01
Photograph and Video Consent Form2022-05-20 15:05:30
Cookies Privacy Notice Rapbizz Direct Company Limited2022-05-20 14:05:16
Cookies Privacy Notice JSSR Logistics Company Limited2022-05-20 14:05:51
Cookies Privacy Notice JSSR Group Public Company Limited2022-05-20 14:05:36
Cookies Privacy Notice JSSR Auction Company Limited2022-05-20 14:05:36
Campaign Privacy Notice Rapbizz Direct Company Limited2022-05-20 14:05:02